Newfoundlanders and Labradorians Against Student Debt (NLASD)

We aren't asking for a free ride from the Government in paying back our loans, but what we are asking for is to have the interest eliminated. What is worth more to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador? Stopping out-migration of educated young people? Or the money the government receives in interest off of our Newfoundland and Labrador student loans?

  • Monday, October 30, 2006


    Well, I have been pretty busy in this last week. Between work, photography for the Fog Devils, and working on this issue, I haven't had much time for anything. Tomorrow there will most likely be an interview with me in the Southern Gazette newspaper (Burin Peninsula). I am also working on my report for Premier Williams, and hope to meet him on November 10th when I am in St. John's. So once again, if you have any stories or points you want included in my letter to him, please email it to me. Also, the signatures have been going well. I am going to contact the MUSE at MUN later this week and hopefully get the Univiersity students rallying around this idea and get the students who don't know about us yet informed and signing to petition.



    Wednesday, October 25, 2006

    Night Line & Premier's Offer

    Well tonight I was called by Night Line, and I had the pleasure of talking to Linda. During this time I briefly explained to all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians what it is we are all about, and what NEEDS to be done to fix this mess. When Linda found out just how much of a monthly payment I had to make, she was stunned. Imagine what she would say if I had done the math before they called me and I mentioned how despite having a principle of approx. $44,000....I would have to pay back approx. $90,000. That is $46,000 that I could use to spend in THIS province and raise my family in THIS province. Either way, after I was done Premier Williams called in, and said he had not heard my conversation. Linda quickly filled him in and he said he would encourage me to send him a letter about our purpose, and list off the key points we want to make. This is where you guys come in. Please take your time in giving me your detailed stories about how the interest on your student loan impacts you. Either leave comments to this post, or email me (the link is on the left), and I'll include them all in my final letter to Mr. Williams, that I plan on delivering in person. We are rapidly making some progress people, let's keep it going.


    - Travis

    Tuesday, October 24, 2006

    VOCM Question of the Day

    Well, this didn't take long. In less than 12 hours from the start of this website, VOCM has created its question of the day. I will also be on Night Line tonight to basically give the public some insight on this issue.

    It must be a hot and important topic if it has caught fire this fast.....let's make the public listen to us and do the right thing!

    Monday, October 23, 2006

    Petition Government

    Today is the beginning of Premier Williams' final year in office. This means that we are one year away from an election, and as such we have a great opportunity to make things happen, and fix this mess once and for all. Please take your time and sign this petition. It will be delivered to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador six months before the election.

    Determination WILL make a difference.

    NOTE: After you sign the petition, you'll see something about donations to the company that hosts the online petition. Please ignore this as the post has already gone through. Thanks

    Stop the Insanity!

    This blog serves as an outlet for all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who are in debt with student loans. We aren't asking for a free ride from the Government in paying back our loans, but what we are asking for is to have the interest eliminated. What is worth more to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador? Stopping out-migration of educated young people? Or the money the government receives in interest off of our Newfoundland and Labrador student loans? We firmly believe that by keeping our educated young people in this province by getting rid of the interest on student loans, the government and the province as a whole will benefit. More families who stay in OUR province to contribute to OUR economy will be of a greater benefit than the interest gained from our people living, working, and contributing to another province's economy.